Gotax is a leading provider of income tax services for individuals in the Pine Rivers area of Queensland. Whether you are a salaried employee, a sole trader, a retiree, or a student, Gotax can help you maximise your tax refund and minimise your tax liability. The Pine Rivers area is a diverse and vibrant region […]
Tax Tips for Cleaners
If you work as a cleaner, you may be wondering what your tax obligations are and how you can maximise your tax refund. Here we will show you some of the basic tax deductions available for cleaners and give you some tips on how to prepare your tax return. As a cleaner, you need to […]
Tax Tips for Retail Workers
It can be a bit tough wondering what your tax obligations are and how you can maximise your tax refund. Well wonder no more. Gotax has you covered. So you’ve got some idea, we’ll cover some of the basic tax deductions you can get as a retail worker, but remember, everyone has a different situation […]
Benefits of using a registered tax agent When you need to do your income tax return, you might be considering whether to use a registered tax agent or not. There are many accountants out there that claim to make your tax easy. But are they reliable and accurate? And do they offer you the best […]
Tax Refunds Are Now Open for 2022-23 It’s official – you can now lodge your tax return for the 2022-23 financial year and claim your tax refund. And we’re here to help you do it, fast and easy. Just n=book anytime you’re ready on 38813029. Just remember that the ATO does not promise that all […]

Outstanding Debts If you have an outstanding debt with the ATO or another government agency (e.g. Centrelink or Child Support) your tax return may be delayed
The ATO has revealed that they are using data from its Taxable Payments Reporting System (TPRS) to ensure that more than $172 billion of payments to Contractors have been properly declared. Businesses that use Contractors in the road freight, cleaning, courier, building and construction, information technology, security, investigation, or surveillance services have been required to […]
Superior bookkeeping software
Our Preferred Cashbook provider, eCashbooks, has partnered with Gotax to provide you with a SIMPLE way to track your business income and expenses. Superior bookkeeping software suited to small and micro businesses, a great way to track Tax & BAS records. eCashbooks is best suited to Small & Micro Businesses, and it has just enough […]
Covid gone and so are the tax deductions. The method to quickly create a tax deduction for the Covid era is changing. The “Shortcut Method” is no longer available from the 1st July 2022. This means that for your next income tax return (2022-23) you have to approach your home office expenses a little differently. […]