Gotax’s Deduction Grabber is growing up and is learning along the way. And the latest thing added to it’s memory bank is multiple car capability. So if you use multiple cars for your work or small business or you change your car throughout the year you can now use the Deduction Grabber for more than […]
Can I claim my lunch?

On a normal workday, the answer to this one is a big NO. That means NO Tax Deduction. The ATO says that your lunch is a private expense. And the ATO comes to that conclusion with a simple premise….

With the outbreak of Coronavirus, a mass amount of people have been financially impacted whether it be by loss of job or reduced income creating financial hardships for many.

During tax time there is an increase in scams that do the rounds and take advantage of taxpayers by pretending to be the ATO staff member
Fake Tax Agent Phone Scam … AGAIN!

The ATO have recently reported that scammers are now using ATO phone numbers to contact their victims and demand payment for fake tax debts or face being arrested.
September Scam Alert

Fake Tax Agent Phone Scam It has recently been reported by the ATO that a new impersonation scam is about.

Compromised Tax File Number Your Tax File Number (TFN) is used to identify you in your dealings with the ATO; it can also be used to lodge tax returns and other tax forms.

Dodgy Deductions In this wonderful world of high technology, the ATO is now able to use sophisticated analytics to highly scrutinize taxpayers and what they claim.

Cross-Checking with Third Parties The ATO cross-checks with third parties (e.g. Centrelink and Child Support) to ensure the information provided on your tax return or to the third parties is true and correct.